Running is a workout that has several health benefits. The majority of the people go running in the morning for weight loss. Commonly doctors suggest running as a workout for preventing cancers, stroke, blood pressure, heart diseases, and diabetes. It improves the quality of your mental and emotional life. It improves your metabolism and a healthy lifestyle. Other than the workout, it is a wonderful sport. Marathon Race is held at the international level. People around the globe take part in this sport. It is a healthy activity that is admired in the whole world.
Most of the runners who have just started running find hard to handle their breath. It means that their pace is too fast. This is a fact that while running a person faces inefficient breathing. This can affect your performance as well. It is important for the runners to understand the easy ways of breathing while running. No doubt, for a good performance in running you need to learn how to breathe since your body needs more oxygen to provide energy to the body. The prime source of energy in the body is oxygen.
The best way for Breathing
The perfect way to breathe when you are running is to exhale and inhale using both your mouth and nose combined. Breathing through nose and mouth keeps your breathing quick and engage your diaphragm for maximum intake of oxygen. In this way, you will be able to manage the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Breathe by nose during running?
No doubt, mouth breathing is much better when you are working out because it brings in more amount of oxygen than breathing through the nose. Inhaling through nostrils tightens your facial and jaw muscles. This tension is not good for running.
The correct method to breathe while running?
Opinions about breathing while running are different. Nose breathing helps regulating your breath and warms air before it comes in your lungs. On the other hand, mouth breathing is a natural way that increases your ability to maximize oxygen intake. Most of the runners find it hard to breath in a natural way.
Shallow Chest Vs Deep Belly Breathing
Diaphragmatic or deep belly breathing is better for maximal and efficient oxygen uptake as compared to chest breathing. Due to the poor breathing tactics, most of the runners show poor performance. For the runners, deep belly breathing is one of the most efficient breathing techniques since it utilizes the whole capacity of the lungs. The air stays in the lower part of the lungs and stays there for a long time.
Bottom Line
So, you have learned about both the ways to breathe while running. Mouth breathing and deep belly breathing are two ways that increase your performance. So, you must focus on these ways. Breathing in a natural way is highly important to provide energy to the lower part of the body as well as the brain.
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