6 Effective Cardio Exercises at Home to Stay Fit and Active

Cardio exercises are essential for fitness, and they can be performed from the comfort of your home. Today, we are going to tell you about six cardio exercises at home that will help your cardiovascular system stay healthy. You do

MusclePact Brahim MusclePact Brahim

5 Cardio Exercises for Beginners You Can Start Now

If you have never done any sport before, doing exercises to get your heart pumping a little can do you a lot of good. They make your heart work harder and are really good for your body. So, these exercises

MusclePact Brahim MusclePact Brahim

Tips for winter running | how to get inspired for running in winter

Winter is the moment where most runners fail to retain the drive to exercise. By encouraging you to be prepared, the following suggestions and inspirations should make keeping on track a bit easier. See in the winter the silver lining

MusclePact Developer MusclePact Developer

Running Cadence- Adaption for Proper Footsteps per minute

In this Modern Era, everyone is doing exercise regularly for fitness and a healthy body. Running is a property by which you can lose your weight in a few months. So, you have to manage the proper steps while running.

MusclePact Developer MusclePact Developer

Coffee before running | Does Caffeine enhance athletic performance?

Many people around the world are drinking coffee on daily basis in fact many people drink coffee just before running and they say that it is going to increase the stamina. But does the coffee before running helps out? We

MusclePact Developer MusclePact Developer

Trail running – The ultimate PRO tips for the beginners

So, you won't know about trail running? Running on a trail is not easy for everyone because it is downhill, uphill, hilly, icy, and muddy. It is often done in walking or hiking paths and it is categorized as such

MusclePact Developer MusclePact Developer

Yoga for runners | 6 best poses and the benefits for the runners.

The runners among you know all too well the muscle tension, pains, and aches that occur after or during running. Most of the runners feel this pain in their hips, ankles, legs, knees, and back. Some yoga postures help you

MusclePact Developer MusclePact Developer

Trail running – Useful Tips for beginners from the Trail running pros

So, you want know about trail running? Running on trail is not easy for everyone because it is downhill, uphill, hilly, icy and muddy. It is often done in walking or hiking paths and it is categorized as such when

MusclePact Developer MusclePact Developer

How to breathe while running if you are a beginner in running?

Running is a workout that has several health benefits. The majority of the people go running in the morning for weight loss. Commonly doctors suggest running as a workout for preventing cancers, stroke, blood pressure, heart diseases, and diabetes. It

MusclePact Developer MusclePact Developer

Myths about running on an empty stomach early morning

A common question that early morning runners have in their minds about running on an empty stomach. Is it safe? Most people do their training with an empty stomach, but some refuse to work out without an empty stomach. running on

MusclePact Developer MusclePact Developer

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