Dramatically altering the physique to reveal a shape that can best be described as breathtaking can only be achieved when training for balanced size.
Massive arms book ending comparatively mediocre lat and shoulder development may look impressive in that tight-fitting shirt, but when the shirt comes off the muscular deficiencies become all the more glaring.
While certain overdeveloped areas can overshadow an impressive physique, the shoulders and lats (key V Taper muscles) can never be too well-developed.
Indeed, the real key to building the kind of V Taper that distinguishes the best physiques from the shapeless masses is to ensure all muscle groups are built to a respectable level with an emphasis on further developing the back, shoulders and chest while tightening the waistline.
Though the perfect V Taper remains the most sought-after attribute for both hardcore bodybuilders and beach body hopefuls, building one can be a perplexing task.