It’s August, its very hot and its back day for Branch Warren, Matt Lehr and Johnnie Jackson.
Can you hang with them if you were to try their workout set for set and rep for rep?
- Tbar Row – 2 warm up x 12 reps – Working sets 1st x 15 reps, 2nd (heavier) x 15 reps – Last set (heaviest/double drop set) x 10, 10, 10 reps
- Lat pull-down – 1 warm up – 3 working sets x 15 reps
- Dumbbell Row – 1 warm up x 12 reps – 2 work sets (heaviest wt. possible) x 10 reps
- Low cable row – 1 feel/warm up set x 10 reps – 3 max wt. sets x 12 reps
- Neutral Grip pull-downs – 3 sets x 12-15 reps

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