This workout consists of 4 sets of each exercise, including the warm up.
Starting with a lighter weight to begin, warming up the joints and initiating blood flow to the muscle. To completely fatigue the muscle, warm up sets are followed by 4 sets of 3 main exercises and 3 supersets with MAXED OUT weights!
- Warm Up #1 Ð 15 reps +
- Exercise #1 Ð 15 reps +
- Exercise #2 Ð 15 reps +
- Exercise #3 Ð 15 reps +
- Superset #1 Ð 15 reps +
- Superset #2 Ð 15 reps +
- Superset #3 Ð 15 reps +
Weight Selection:
Choose a weight you can just barely reach 15 reps with. If you hit failure before 15, move down in weight by 5LB increments. If you aren’t failing in 15, increase reps to 20 or weight.
The Workout Plan:
- Warm Up #1 – Lateral Raises SS with Bicep Curls
- Exercise #1 – Dumbbell Shoulder Press
- Exercise #2 – Reverse Incline Curls
- Superset #1 – Upright Row SS Cable Curl
- Superset #2 – Front Raises SS Hammer Curl
- Superset #3 – Lateral Raises SS Push Ups
- Pre-Workout Ð 1 scoop HVOL
- Intra-Workout Ð 1 scoop AMINOCORE
- Post-Workout Ð 1 scoop CVOL followed by 1 scoop ISOFLEX
NOTE: SS = Superset
WARNING: This workout is not for the faint of heart – be sure you are an intermediate to advanced weight trainer and have ample rest to recover from this extreme amount of training.