Learn how to do a bodyweight triceps press using a flat bench.
- Main Muscle Worked: Triceps
- Other Muscles: Abdominals, Shoulders
- Equipment: Other
- Mechanics Type: Compound
- Level: Intermediate
- With your body perpendicular to a flat bench, extend your feet well out from the bench, gripping the edge with your hands just outside shoulder width. The top of your head should be about 6 inches behind the plane of the bench’s front edge. This will be your starting position.
- Keep your body rigid, bending at the elbows to slowly lower your head so that it dips below the bench to fully stretch your triceps. Your body should almost be in a straight line just above the floor.
- Contract your triceps to press back up to the start position, fully extending your arms. Repeat for the designated number of reps.

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