You often find yourself admiring their toned bodies whether you’re watching a movie or searching for them online. They’re the fittest actresses in Hollywood! The following ten leading ladies are in great shape thanks to a healthy diet and exercise. The order is completely random and the list features ten actresses with different body shapes. This way everyone can find inspiration.
Don’t lose another minute and check out the list to see if your favorite has made the cut!
Jessica Biel
When you say “fittest actresses”, Jessica Biel’s name immediately comes to mind. Biel has one of the most athletic bodies in Hollywood and serves as fitness inspiration for many. Her workout consists of: walking lunges, cardio, sprinting, yoga, and plyometrics. She also hikes and jogs with her dogs. The actress has also revealed that she makes sure to get enough sleep, drink a lot of water, doesn’t drink alcohol, and eats lots of vegetables and grain proteins.