For his next recovery branched chain amino acids smoothie, BPI Sports Resident Chef Geo is mixing up kiwi and ginger for a delicious, refreshing drink. Fresh ginger is known for its countless health benefits from relieving digestive problems to nausea to reducing pain and inflammation. ginger also boasts plenty of vitamins and minerals not to mention antioxidant compounds including potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6.
Chef Geo’s Kiwi Ginger BCAAs smoothie features one full scoop of BPI Sports’ Best BCAA™ in lime sherbet for a bit of tang and plenty or muscle recovery benefits. Thanks to the oligopeptide enzymatic technology, BCAAs are absorbed faster so you can recover faster.
Ready to get started?
1 Scoop of Best BCAA in Lime sherbet 1 Cup of fresh kiwi, cut into 1-inch pieces 2 kiwi cut in slices 1 Tbsp. of fresh ginger, peeled and minced 1/2 Cup of low-fat plain yogurt 1 Cup of almond milk 1/8 Tsp. of ground apple spice cinnamon 1/2 Cup of ice
Simply mix all of the ingredients in a high-speed blender. Decorate the inside of the glass with kiwis and pour BCAA smoothie into it.

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