When it comes to building great legs and glutes, squats get way too much credit! If you can comfortably squat with proper form & no injuries, by all means, squat!! But if your goal is to build strong, symmetrical legs and well rounded glutes, try ALSO incorporating different types of lunges in your leg routine. The primary benefit of the lunge is developing unilateral lower body strength. During a set of lunges each leg is doing the same amount of work. And since the lunge is similar to our gait it trains the legs in both flexing and extension at the same time. Lunging allows each leg to work individually so each leg muscle gets the attention it deserves. This is also a great way to correct imbalances. (we all have some) Just like squats, lunges can be done with or without added weights for resistance. But unlike the up and down movement of a squat, lunges involve a step forward or backward with one leg. Since lunges require the transfer of weight to one leg, they test your balance, especially when adding resistance, which means your core gets a workout too! And most variations of lunges involve an extra focus on the glutes! Take it from our resident athlete Lais De Leon, here are a few of her favorite lunge variations. Complete 3 sets, 10 reps each leg of each lunge variation

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