If you think making a living and making progress in the gym have nothing in common, you haven’t talked to Steve Weatherford. This NFL vet holds himself to the same high standard no matter where his day leads him!
From the time I started my career in professional football, fitness was fundamental to everything I did—including how I handled my finances.
Just as I didn’t want to be someone who flamed out of the NFL after a couple of seasons due to injuries, I didn’t want to be one of those guys who ended up dead broke after their playing career was over. And pretty quickly, I discovered that fitness and finance shared a lot more than that.
Both are about having the right mindset to take care of what’s yours. Both also can be tracked by following a few crucial rules, or as I call them, key point indicators. These five points are some of the most important things I’ve learned over my career, so listen up.

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