The cable is unlike barbells and dumbbells because it allows for constant muscle tension throughout the entire exercise, which can lead to big biceps when incorporated properly.
Almost everyone who has ever lifted a weight has used cables and almost everyone who has ever lifted a weight has done a preacher curl…but have you ever combined them? If not, now’s the time. If so, then this video can serve as a reference check to ensure you are maximizing this awesome biceps exercise.
You’ll have to lug a preacher curl bench over to the cable station.
Depending upon how your gym is aligned, this may or may not be a big pain in the butt. Either way, its’ more than worth the effort and you’ll see that as soon as you start curling!
Select the attachment you want to use such as an EZ-curl bar, a straight bar, ropes or even a fat bar and attach it to the lower part of a cable station. Set up the preacher bench a few feet away. You may have to experiment as cable stations can vary greatly. The key is to ensure the weights on the cable are not rested when you are at the bottom of the curl with your arms fully extended. Remember, we want to maintain that constant tension on the biceps muscles throughout the entire movement and if you are resting at the bottom of each rep then you certainly won’t have constant muscle tension!
Once you are set up, begin by curling up and focusing on a strong mind-muscle connection. Do not use your shoulders or body to curl the weight. If you have to use anything other than your biceps then the weight you are using is too heavy. Check your ego and drop the weight. Remember the ultimate goal – big biceps.
Keep those wrists neutral and be sure to contract the biceps hard at the top of the curl and at least for 1 second before beginning to lower the cable back to the starting position.
Want more awesome exercises for huge arms? Check out this link –
Thank You to AJ Williams for showing us how to perform the seated cable preacher curl.

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