If you’re looking to increase your hand grip strength, then you’ve certainly come to the right place.
This special exercise using a specific kind of dumbbell is a unique way to transform the strength of your hand and finger grip into the vice-like category. First, grab a pair of hex dumbbells. If you aren’t aware of what hex dumbbells are, watch the video above first.
They have six sides to them on each end. This unique design allows the human hand to hold them upside down while simultaneously providing an amazing training stimulus to your hands, fingers and wrists! Obviously, a standard round dumbbell is far too wide for your hand to grip.
Next, grab a bench or somewhere to sit that allows your arms to hang directly down at your sides without touching the floor. Place the Dumbbells vertical on the floor. Next, wrap your hand on top of each dumbbell so they hang vertically and are raised off of the ground. Be sure to look straight and maintain a straight back and a high chest. This ensures your spinal alignment is proper. Make sure you breathe as normal as possible throughout the entire set.
The goal is to hold the dumbbells as long as possible aiming for 30-60 seconds. Once you can hold a certain weight for 60 seconds it’s time to increase the weight of the dumbbells you are using, unless of course you are training for a specific task that requires holding something for longer than 60 seconds. That’s it, just hold the dumbbells as long as you can! Try to hold a little longer each time. It’s a very simple exercise, but it’s certainly not easy.
If you want to truly improve your hand grip strength, you’ll have to put in the effort with this exercise and others. The good news is we’ve put together an entire article with pictures and videos to show you other grip-strengthening exercises to go along with the hex dumbbell hold.
You can read that article at this link –
Big thank you to AJ Williams for demonstrating how to perform this impactful exercise.

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