It is very easy to gain weight but losing it and get in shape after 40, is not an easy task. The majority of the people, at 40 or after, feel or believe it as difficult to be in shape. This lack of interest or laziness leads people having the common problem to get in shape after 40.
After 40, you will notice a huge change or decrease in metabolism. This decrease in metabolism is because of the low-fat burning routine in your body. It leads to an increase in the weight gain process. On the other hand, there is a decrease in stamina after the age of 40, which makes it hard to go for regular exercise or a workout. But, it is vital to be in shape and to lose weight. So, there are some tips and techniques that can help you in maintaining your weight and to get in shape after 40.

Obesity is a common issue in the world today. On the other side, it is also inspirational that people are weight conscious, as well. Everyone wants to attain a sleek and smart look. For this, they always search for ways to lose weight quickly. They hit the gym or do intense workouts to shed extra pounds. This is very hectic and time taking strategy. There are some easy ways to lose weight fast without even sweating. You will notice a great change in just 5 days. Burning calories is the only strategy to reduce weight. Healthy eating habits and a low carb diet is also a helpful way to lose weight quickly and get in shape after 40.
Deep breathing to get in shape after 40
To burn more calories, the technique of deep breathing is highly effective. When you take a deep breath, you add more oxygen to your body. This means you are going to burn off fat from oxidation and can get in shape after 40. Moreover, it reduces high blood pressure as per the new research. It is very simple to inhale oxygen for ten minutes slowly. Count to 10, as you breathe in, slowly and repeat the counting to 10 when you breathe out slowly.
Easing into fitness
It is important to avoid cardiovascular exercises. Take a slow start that will keep you secure from injury. To get in shape after 40, the majority of the people start working hard out with great enthusiasm but after some days they exhaust and their determination becomes down. You need to be moderate in all types of workout like weight training. Working out 30 to 40 minutes is good enough for you in or after 40. Cycling, walking on a treadmill and biking are excellent to keep you fit and healthy.
Minimize calories intake
Reduce daily calorie intake. There are 3,500 calories in a pound. To lose weight quickly, reduce 700 calorie intake on a daily basis. It will help you to reduce one pound in five days.
Burn calories with exercise
Regular exercise help to cut down body fat. You can easily burn your calories by increasing your metabolism. If you have fed up with the high-intensity workout, then you should prefer light exercises and take an appropriate diet plan. It is vital to do 55 minutes of workout daily to reduce weight in five days. To burn 550 calories, women should run for 60 minutes. Biking vigorously for 60 minutes will burn 680 calories.
Do not leave breakfast
To metabolize your body and get in shape after 40, breakfast is the right source. Never skip breakfast because it helps to burn more calories. Start your day with an egg white to energize and metabolize your body.
Drink plenty of water
To flush out toxins and keep your body hydrated, drinking plenty of water is essential. Drink 8 glasses of water in a day. It also provides energy for the workout.
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