You need to decide on your goals for the next 12 weeks and then write them down. It’s critically important to write down your goals because it makes them real.
I can tell you right now that by following the Lean Body program for 12 weeks; you can expect to lose 2 to 3 pounds of fat per week safely. Losing any more weight than that would put your body into starvation mode or cause you to lose muscle.
Instead, you’ll be building muscle to replace the body fat that you burn off, giving more overall strength and shape to your body. I know you’ll like the results when you see them.
You’re going to track your progress starting now. Start by taking a before photo, something that will show you where you started on Day 1 so you can visually see the differences at the end of week 12.

We are Your transformation is our passion. We are your personal trainer, your nutritionist, your supplement expert, your lifting partner, your support group. We provide the technology, tools and products you need to burn fat, build muscle and become your best self.