Bodybuilding provides the best road map when searching for shoulder exercises that will really deliver results. Everyone wants great shoulders and the best way to get there is to look at those who already have them!
The Reverse Dumbbell Shoulder Press is most likely a movement you’ve never seen anyone do at your gym. Why? Well first of all it’s hard. Secondly, you’ll have to lower the amount of weight a bit from what you normally use on dumbbell shoulder presses and most people don’t like or want to do that.
But remember, your ego should never be the reason stopping you from trying a new exercise, especially one of this magnitude. Due to its unique nature of having your arms extended above your head (instead of on your shoulders), it will train your deltoid muscles in a manner no other shoulder exercise can. For a full look at this delt movement and 4 others that can take your shoulder into the stratosphere, check out this awesome article at
The Ys and Ts look like a piece of cake but boy do they burn! Dustin Starr is the man for showing us how this little-known and rarely-perform shoulder exercises with dumbbells is performed properly.

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