Ever since the government of Florida announced the lockdown of shops and other centers due to the Coronavirus. It appears that Hollywood’s most famous couple, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodríguez may appear as an exception to it. The couple was found on Wednesday recently coming out of a gym of the sign which read the sign;
‘The Gym is not open, Stay Home, Stay Safe’ the sign read.
The security team of the couples made sure that they themselves, were wearing masks and were opening the doors by what is apparently to be called ‘sanitizing Wipes’.

The apparent toll of the COVID-19 cases raised to 7,000 alone in Florida itself after the Superbowl performance which was performed by Shakira and Jennifer Lopez. According to recent sources, the outbreak may have started even before the Superbowl. Never the less, it has spread like a wildfire.
Despite the lockdown, the couples have also shared on Instagram on different sets and exercises that can be performed at home during this outbreak. Alex Rodriguez captioned his Recent Instagram post:
‘Use this time to improve yourself on what you love most, in my case, swinging the bat and fixing my posture. Just use this time to do something productive’.
Conclusively, both Jlo and Alex, are running the streets and spending their day outsides like normal days despite the pandemic. Both Alex and Jennifer Lopez are using this time to spend amongst themselves and their loved ones.

While both of these celebrities have a huge fan following, it is important to note down the necessary precautions and content that they give out in order for their fans to spend their time not being idolized but keeping themselves fit and healthy. The reason for that is also because these self-isolating times may be subject to people getting anxiety and Mental-stress. This is why these celebrities use this time to help their fan base out in the most way they can. It is preferred to have online classes of daily workout with the professional to stay fit during COVID-19.

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