If you are sick of holding your body in a static position for plank, then you must try dynamic plank. A plank is a fun form of exercise as it helps shape your body. Let us first discuss forearm plank and then discover how dynamic plank is better.
Forearm plank
An exercise done by holding your bodyweight is the plank. The focus of the training is abs and core muscles. The plank is done by getting your forearms parallelly on the mat, fingers pointing inward, stretching out legs behind you, keeping the body posture straight, and bending down your head at a slight angle. The aim of the forearm plank is to hold the body in the same position for as long as you can.
Dynamic plank
When the plank is done with the moving body, it is called a dynamic plank. There are specific exercises of a dynamic plank and all of them are based on the plank. However, not only they give rest to your muscles, but they also keep your body in extra movement. Your main aim of getting strong core and abs will be achieved by dynamic planks too, but many people prefer dynamic plank because it is less tedious than the regular one.
Side plank oblique crunch

No one can achieve six-packs without doing oblique muscle exercises. This muscle that wraps around your back, comes alongside your stomach. During this exercise, oblique is targeted directly testing your stability and control to a large extent.
Side plank knee to elbow

Many people perform this move very fast, but it is not necessary. You can perform this move slowly and with controlled movement. Remember to exhale during the crunch and try your best to touch your knee to your elbow.
Low Plank Twist

This move requires you to move your hips in both directions. They should approach the ground. Remember, your hips shouldn’t touch the ground, or you will break the plank position. If you can keep your feet, hips, and shoulders in a line, this exercise will prove very beneficial for you.
Extended Inchworm

This move requires you to take some extra steps with your hands by getting them beyond your shoulders. Your upper abs will activate once you start going further. Taking small steps is more useful.
Side plank taps

Keep your hand right under your shoulder and start rotating your shoulder? It will challenge your abs and you will love it. This move requires you not to slam your foot on the ground, just tap it and return.
High plank shoulder taps

This exercise requires you to tap your shoulders. However, you should try to keep your body at as much rest as possible. Use your momentum to rock from side to side. This will ensure that the least pressure is left for the abs.
Ultimate plank jacks

If you want to burn the body fats, then you must try this exercise. It is the best fat-burner of all. It is known as one of the best exercises for cardio and coordination. The hint is to move as quickly as possible to make it easier. Don’t let all the weight come down as it will become very exhausting for you. Just try to control your body and perform this move as fast as possible.
Reverse inchworm

This one is the same as inchworm but is in the opposite direction. This time keep your hands at a place and try to move your feet. They won’t touch your hands so try to go as far as your feet can. The higher you lift your hips, the better your abs will be challenged.
Planks are the workout that is done for weight loss and increases lean muscle mass. Most of the bodybuilders focus on doing planks and twists to energize and tighten their muscles. It is an easy way to keep yourself fit and healthy.

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