Learn To Conquer The Salmon Ladder
The Salmon ladder has been a staple of the worlds toughest obstacle course. Both American Ninja Warrior and Ninja warrior has seen its fair share of falls on this menacing obstacle throughout the years. In this tutorial you will learn the proper techniques that will allow you to conquer this obstacle rather than overestimate it.
Unlike most obstacles that require raw strength and focus, the salmon ladder requires a great deal of technique, as well as a strong upper body and plyometric strength.
Before ever touching a salmon ladder, you already can find all the tools you will need at your disposal. Practicing explosive pull-ups by engaging your lower body in conjunction with your arms will allow you to lift yourself to give you the “Zero Gravity” effect you will need to transfer the bar the the next level.
Once you’ve mastered this technique and are capable of freeing your hands from a stationary bar long enough to perform a clapping pull up, while returning to the bar with control, you will have the proper explosive movement and grace to conquer the salmon ladder both physically and mentally.