1/3 of muscle protein is comprised of the BCAAs however, these specific amino acids are readily stripped from muscle to be used as energy. This makes replenishing the BCAAs critical for hard training athletes and fitness enthusiasts. N’ERGIZED N’GAGE takes BCAA supplementation to a whole new level with Ajipure brand BCAAs plus L-Glutamine. Why these aminos? Because of all the amino acids, these may offer the most direct impact on growth, recovery, and lean muscle preservation. But Axis Labs has taken BCAA supplementation to a whole new level with the addition of energizing caffeine. Caffeine supports mental acuity, helps trigger lipolysis (the breakdown of fats for fuel), and contributes towards a strong mind-muscle connection. Better yet, N’ERGIZED N’GAGE is delicious and refreshing anytime. Use it before a workout. Use it instead of coffee to help jump start your day. Use it mid-workout to push your training to the next level.

Performance Driven Nutrition