Talia Pollock from Party in My Plants is taking pancakes to new heights of awesome. If someone told her she could have pancakes daily without jerking her blood sugar and waistline around, she would’ve been all about it. Adding Sunwarrior protein to the mix has made flipping (get it?) her attitude about this breakfast food possible. You can feel light and energized rather than needing a nap.
Talia eats this every day, and personally attributes her increase in happiness and decrease in weight to discovering this recipe. Just look at her energy and happiness levels for proof. Don’t let her personal hype or hyperness sway you though. Try it for yourself and see.
It starts with half a ripe banana mashed up on a plate. That nanner will serve as your sweetener. Dump a tablespoon of ground flax seed into a jar and add to it two tablespoons of warm water. Stir this together before letting it sit for a couple minutes to gel up. This is a flax egg. It acts as an egg in recipes, but, you know, without the egg.
Put your mashed banana in a bowl with a quarter cup of almond milk plus two tablespoons of almond milk. Add one scoop of Sunwarrior protein. The flavor you use determines the final flavor of your pancakes. You can make them chocolate, vanilla, mocha, or even berry flavored. Classic or Classic Plus work best here, but the others will do in a pinch, too (they might need another tablespoon or two of almond milk to get the texture right).
Add a quarter teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon baking powder, half a cup of rolled oats, and your flax egg. Mix it up real good. Add some stevia if you like to make it sweeter or a tablespoon of maple syrup. You can add other extracts too, like vanilla, strawberry, peach, lemon, and more.
Grease your griddle with coconut oil, and pour those pancakes on over medium to medium low heat. Cook three to five minutes on one side. Flip. Turn down the heat and cook another three to five. You have to cook these longer on lower heat to get the deliciousness you want. Top them with your favorite fruit and nut butters and enjoy!

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