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What does it mean to be Yok3d? Everyone knows that Yok3d dude in the gym. Yes, it’s a look, but it’s also an attitude. You can’t be meager and be considered Yok3d. You must treat every workout as if it was your last. As if your life depended on it. You must walk into that gym with the mindset of a winner.
There’s going to be a winner and a loser today – Is it going to be you or are you going to let the weights defeat you?
This doesn’t mean that you’ll hit every rep. What it means is you’ll never back down.
You’ll never give in to the little birdie that’s telling you “that’s enough” or “its ok, you don’t have to do squats today.”
Yok3d means walking into the gym with a plan and executing on that plan. Every day isn’t going to be max effort, but even on those days you’re focused and willing. You’re working on something, grinding it out and trying to improve. After all, that’s how you get real results and get noticed.

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