Mike Tyson is among some people who had always shared some dark sides of society. However, with the growing age, he is now becoming more honest in sharing things that he experienced. He has arranged a podcast series, “Hotboxin with Mike Tyson”. He shares a lot about him here. However, in his recent interview, he shared something very surprising for everyone who listened to it. I think some of you remember a rap star, Tupac Shakur. In his interview, Mike Tyson claimed that his fight in 1996 has a link with the death of Shakur.
Who was Tupac Shakur?

For those who don’t know Shakur, let me introduce him first. Shakur was one of the top artists the 20th century has given us. Many people know about his music and only some of them know about his personal life.
He was born in 1971 in the heart of New York i.e. New York City. However, even before the start of his career, he moved to the West Coast. In a short time, he became one of the most famous rappers from the West Coast.
His business was growing well. With an increase in albums selling, he was financially stable. However, like many other rappers, he got into rivalry, fights and useless quarrels. Of them, the most famous rivalry was between the East Coast’s and the West Coast’s rap scene. Shakur, being from the West Coast, represented the Western Coast. However, other prominent rappers were representing the East Coast.
Many rappers at that time were starting a new genre of music. It was known as “gangsta rap”. Very soon, real gangsters from both sides got into the rivalry. Instead of keeping it to words, they started real violence. Now it was more than a simple rivalry. The gangsters from both sides have led rappers of both sides to a deadly situation.
How Tupac died?
This was all the info you needed about Shakur. Now you know the background of the scenario. So, let us see how Tupac Shakur died.
It was in 1996 when Shakur was attending an event in Las Vegas, Nevada along with his entourage. When they were about to leave the event and sitting in their cars, someone from his entourage spotted a man from the rival gang at the spot. Instead of sitting in the car, the entourage got down and started beating him.
They left the place while Shakur asked his bodyguard to drive Jones’ car. With just after the fight, and without a bodyguard, it is no surprise that a fight was near. They were stopped at a stoplight. A car came to the side of Shakur’s care and opened fires on him. Shakur was hit 4 times. Although he was taken to the hospital and police arrive to take control of the situation, the injuries were serious. Shakur died after some hours.
How Mike Tyson links to the murder?
Well enough, the event that Shakur attended was one of the most famous fights of Mike Tyson. He was just released from jail and has claimed a heavyweight title. It was his fight against Bruce Seldon. He was one of the top boxers in the world at that time.
Mike Tyson said that everything was planned before. Nothing was planned on the spot. The reason is that the fight was a great opportunity for this murder. Everyone was there and if someone was not there, he knew why he is absent. When the murderer knew that Shakur will be here, it was easy to plan the trap.

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