4X IFBB FIGURE OLYMPIAN Allison Frahn Prepping for the 2016 Arnold Classic Ohio. Todays workout is legs! Giant Set (2x): 1a. Leg Extensions, 50 reps 1b. Lying Ham Curls, 10 reps 1c. Smith Pliat Squats short ROM, 10reps Superset (3x): 2a. Hack Squat Facing, wide stance, 10-15 reps 2b. Vertical Press, 10-15 reps 1. 6 sets: Leg Press slow negatives, 6 reps Superset (3x): 4a. Smith Split Lunges w/ knee drive, 8-10 reps 4b. Split Jumps/ toe touches on tire, 20each 1. 4 Combo sets: BB Front Squat / BB Back Squat (only enough rest to shift weight), 10 reps each.

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