IFBB Pro and Evogen Elite Athlete Tory Woodward gives us unique look at a physique competitor with an athletic sports background and how that translates to progress in his physique at the highest level of competition.
The Workout:
Dumbbell Press Superset w/Cable Fly 4 sets 15-20 reps each movement
Hammer Strength Incline Press Dropset 1 set, 2 drops, 10 reps each drop with 10 second negative on 10th rep (3 plates x 10, 2 plates x 10, 1 plate x 10)
Build Up Incline Presses 1 set up to 6 reps (1 rep pause at top, 2 reps pause, 3 reps pause, 4 reps pause)
Decline Cable Fly Superset w/Crossover Press 3 sets 12-15 reps each movement

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